To Check Aadhaar Card Status now its simple many options have been added to Check Status of your Aadhaar Card one of the method is Online through website and the other method to check status of Aadhaar Card is through SMS, this is convenient to every body because in India every one will be having Mobiles and they also know to operate so below are the steps to check status of Aadhaar Card.
For Eg. If your Enrollment number is 1800/1619/0579, then you have to send
UID STATUS 180016190579 to 51969
EID means your enrollment number when you get enrolled for Aadhaar Card you will be given an Acknowledgement Slip in that slip your EID Number is mentioned that number you have to enter to check the status.
If you have lost the Acknowledgment Slip of Enrollment Number (EID) Number than you cannot check your Aadhaar Card Status.
Also Read: UIDAI Aadhaar Card Online Registration
and send it to
For Eg. If your Enrollment number is 1800/1619/0579, then you have to send
UID STATUS 180016190579 to 51969
EID means your enrollment number when you get enrolled for Aadhaar Card you will be given an Acknowledgement Slip in that slip your EID Number is mentioned that number you have to enter to check the status.
If you have lost the Acknowledgment Slip of Enrollment Number (EID) Number than you cannot check your Aadhaar Card Status.
Also Read: UIDAI Aadhaar Card Online Registration