If you want to get in touch with UIDAI Aadhaar Grievance than Following are the requirements to contact the grievance centre:
Email UIDAI Aadhaar Grievance Center: help@uidai.gov.in
You can even file a complaint Online by filling the form by visiting https://resident.uidai.net.in/file-complaint
Once registering your complaint you can check the status of your filed complaint by visiting https://resident.uidai.net.in/complaint-status
- The users of this system are expected to be residents, registrars and enrolment agencies.
- Any resident seeking enrolment is given a printed acknowledgement form with an Enrolment Number, that enables the resident to make queries about her/his enrolment status through any communication channel of the contact centre.
Email UIDAI Aadhaar Grievance Center: help@uidai.gov.in
You can even file a complaint Online by filling the form by visiting https://resident.uidai.net.in/file-complaint
Once registering your complaint you can check the status of your filed complaint by visiting https://resident.uidai.net.in/complaint-status