Aadhaar Number will now be mandatory to provide while lodging police complaint, so that police will also have the details of the person who is filing the complaint. This step is taken keeping in mind that they will have flawless information about the complainant and it will also help police in assisting the complainants till the case reaches logical end.
According to UIDAI 99% of state population have enrolled for Aadhaar, and this is why the system have decided to take the advantage.
Aadhaar programme was launched in the year 2009 by UPA government and as of now Aadhaar is being accepted for various purposes and it is accepted as proof of identity as well as proof of address.
Till date almost every government departments would ask for identity proof of the individual availing their services, but from now police department will also make mandatory to produce Aadhaar Card or Aadhaar Number.
It is also clarified that police department will not refuse to take complaint by the complainant if he doesn’t have Aadhaar Card, but instead they will motivate them to use it before making it mandatory.
According to UIDAI 99% of state population have enrolled for Aadhaar, and this is why the system have decided to take the advantage.
Aadhaar programme was launched in the year 2009 by UPA government and as of now Aadhaar is being accepted for various purposes and it is accepted as proof of identity as well as proof of address.
Till date almost every government departments would ask for identity proof of the individual availing their services, but from now police department will also make mandatory to produce Aadhaar Card or Aadhaar Number.
It is also clarified that police department will not refuse to take complaint by the complainant if he doesn’t have Aadhaar Card, but instead they will motivate them to use it before making it mandatory.
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