The following are the details to apply aadhaar card for children.
Andhra Pradesh government has newly launched aadhaar service for new born child at government hospitals, this process will be available from July onwards, initially this service was started in Haryana state and successfully running, we can apply Aadhar card for any Kid or child or Infant who is over 1 years of age. Biometric is not required for him/her but after kid or child attains the age of 5 years he has to get the biometric done for the same aadhar card number. at the time birth registration, we can also apply aadhaar card for child with reference to parents Aadhaar card Number, then child will get enrollment number with 14 digits, after 3 days aadhaar card number will sent to mobile for child, then if you want made any changes like Name change or address change you can do..
Applying Aadhar Card for Children or Kid
•Children over 1 year of age only can apply for Aadhar Card.
•No biometrics data required for children till 5 years as the hand impressions keep changing. The children’s account will simply be linked to the parent/ guardian.
•Biometrics will be done after attaining 5 years of age; the Aadhar Card number shall remain same throughout life time.
•After attaining 15 years, biometrics data will be taken again for the last time and will then be linked to the Aadhar Card.
•The child’s photograph is taken during the process.
Documents required for Applying Aadhar Card for Children or Kid
The documents required for child are almost the same as for adults.
•Date of birth proof is mandatory for kids.
•Either parent, who has an existing Aadhar Card/ who has applied already for the Aadhar Card can introduce the child for the same. As such, the parent/ guardian should also submit Proof of Identity and/ or Proof of address. (Examples of few given below)
•Without the above documents, the kid’s Aadhar Card process cannot be generated.
In case where the parent/ guardian are applying together with the child for Aadhar Card, the parent/ guardian’s details will first be registered and an enrolment number will be generated. Following which, the child’s Aadhar card data will be taken.
Documents required For Proof of Identity (POI):
•Voter ID card
•PAN Card
•Driving License
Documents required For Proof of Address (POA):
•Passport of Spouse
•Passport of Parents (for minor)
•Voter ID card
•Driving License
•Ration Card
•Bank statement/ Passbook
•Credit Card Statement (within 3 months)
•Electricity Bill (within 3 months)
•Water Bill (within 3 months)
•Landline Bill (Telephone) (within 3 months)
•Insurance Policy
Last Words:
From the above process people can easily get aadhaar card for their new born babies/ child